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Rating = 7/10

One handed cannon. It's fun to use and causes a powerful explosion, but isn't the most practical weapon


  • Cannonballs has a wide explosion radius and can kill many enemies

  • Doesn't look too out of place in the fallout world

  • Has an alright range


  • Very slow fire rate

  • It's difficult to aim, it fires is like a broadside causing the cannonball to do a big arch

  • It's easy to kill yourself by firing it to close

  • Made as more of a fun weapon rather than practical one

Base Weapon = Handmade Rifle

  • Junk Long Barrel

  • Plasma Comfort Grip

  • Bolt Small Bayonet

  • Projectile Override - Cannon Ball

  • No Color Swap

  • Deadeye

  • Powerful

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