(Everything stated, is something that I've found out through using this mod. Nothing is a proven fact and this should be considered guide lines. With the 1000's of combinations there's always going to be exceptions)
1. Choosing your base weapon - Things to consider:
The base weapon determines the mods placement/position
(If you start with a sub-machine gun the mods are going to be much further spaced apart compared to starting with a 10mm pistol)
Don't change the receiver to a different gun
(If you find a receiver you like use that gun as your starting weapon, only change it if the receiver is from a gun that doesn't allow many mods or if you want a specific effect you know ins't going to be over written and lost by mods)
Mods effects vary depending on the type of gun
(e.g. A stocks could add damage to a pistols but not a shotgun, allot of mods will effect
weapons slightly differently depending on there type. Getting the perfect gun requires
allot of trial and error.)
Combining one & two handed mods can be surprising powerful
(Combining different types of mods with different base weapons can have some really good results... or make the gun not work at all.)
Special weapons don't have as many mods available
(Look for weapons with 5 available mods, allot of weapons don't have as many and often have a fixed receiver or no muzzle, the more unique they are the less editable they seem to be, also certain barrels will remove the muzzle option.)
The fire mechanism can stay unless you use certain mods
(e.g. a mini guns charging up can remain even after all the mods have been changed,
unless a mod that changes the firing method is used)
Good starting weapons:
Double Barrel shotgun - Very good with the Unlimited Ammo legendary effect
Sub-machine gun - Fastest gun (except mini gun which required charging to fire)
Handmade rifle - Works well with most mods
Plasma - Works well with most mods
10mm Pistol - Good base for a one handed gun (chunky enough to fit a wider range of mods)
Combat shotgun/rifle - Don't have the best stats but work
Bad starting weapons:
(All the special weapons with only 3 mods)
(Any gun with a fixed receiver)
Laser - Is a worse version of plasma (only use if you want a small gun or Laser style gun)
2. Notable Parts:
Good Parts:
Missile targeting scope - Changes the ammo to missiles and adds a targeting feature (homing missile)
(This mod must be added last!! It will still appear but won't work if you equip certain mods after it)
Junk Jet Fire/Electric Muzzles - adds electric or fire to most weapons
(This can look good and be really effective if added to the right gun)
Two shot Legendary - This is very good for extra damage, but adds recoil and bullets don't hit the exact same place
(Not recommended for snipers)
Missile Stabiliser Muzzle - Adds very good accuracy, bullet grouping and recoil
(Bullet grouping makes it best on low accuracy guns like automatic guns & shotguns)
Gauss Rife Muzzle - Makes bullets look sci-fi
(adds electric trail behind bullets)
Plasma Sniper Barrel - Adds the best quality's of a plasma sniper
(changes bullets to plasma, improves range & damage, doesn't decrease fire rate)
Bad Parts:
Cryolator Barrel/Ammo - Bullet moves very slowly and drops quickly
3. General Tips:
Scopes - These can be incredibly awkward - If your struggling try one that matches your receiver
(The problem with them is they either don't fit, are completely off target, appear as a pink or yellow rectangle, look ridicules or if your lucky you might find one that actually works.)