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Electric Sub-Machine Gun

Rating = 10/10

Automatic electric gun, fires electric beams that go between enemies.


  • Very powerful and fast

  • Hit multiple targets that are close together

  • Doesn't require much accuracy to hit your target

  • Electricity can arch across enemies

  • The most powerful weapon which you can't kill yourself with


  • Have to reload quite often, it's not normally a problem as you can kill many enemies in a few shots

  • Over Powered - It stops being fun after a while when you can fire from left to right and everyone drops dead

Base Weapon = Handmade Rifle

  • Lever Advanced Receiver

  • Lightning Automatic Barrel

  • Junk Recoil Compensating Stock

  • Flamer Large Propellant Tank

  • Plasma Reflex Sight

  • Two Shot

  • VATS Enhanced (Gun)

  • Standard Color

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